Chloe Browne joined Green Light as Human Resources Coordinator in August 2021. Chloe started her journey in Human Resources as a Human Resources and Training Apprentice at St Austell Brewery. Chloe loves the variety found within the HR field and how each day brings something new. After finishing her apprenticeship with the brewery Chloe completed her Level 3 CIPD which gave her further knowledge and understanding of all things Human Resources. Chloe enjoys helping her colleagues and seeing people grow, supporting them from onboarding stage to progressing and developing their careers.
Q: Where are you from and where do you live now?
A: From Chippenham in Wiltshire, now live in St Austell.
Q: How did you hear about Green Light ?
A: I saw Green Light advertising their roles through their website, I then took a look on Social Media and saw that they had a really interactive feed!
Q: Why did you decide to work for Green Light ?
A: Green Light really stood out to me as an employer who value and care for all of their people. I most definitely have felt this through my interview and induction too!
Q: What is your previous experience of autism or learning disabilities?
A: I have no previous experience working with people with autism or learning disabilities, however I’m super excited to learn more!
Q: Do you have any special skills/hobbies or interests?
A: I really enjoy painting by numbers and I love a bit of baking on a weekend!
Q: When not working what are you most likely to be doing?
A: Snuggled up with my cat Nala.
Q: What do you have on your bucket list?
A: Going to see Elton John live! I have recently got tickets to his final tour next summer!
Q: Who is your hero or heroine & why?
A: I recently discovered the work of Charlie Mackesy and he has an utterly beautiful way of seeing the world, he is also a fantastic artist!
Q: What three words sum up your personality?
A: Honest, reliable & kind.